This is a 4-hour class that has been prepared by the Georgia Soil and Water Conservation Commission and is presented by a GSWCC authorized trainer. Recertification for NPDES Level 1A Certified Personnel is required by the Commission every three years. The following items are reviewed with updates and changes presented: Background of the impact of House Bill 285 of 2003, Erosion and Sedimentation (E & S) Processes and Enforcement, The Georgia Erosion and Sedimentation Act, Stream Buffer Requirements, National Pollutant Discharge, Elimination System (NPDES) Permit, Vegetative Measures for E & S Control, Structural Practices for E & S Control, Field Maintenance of Structural & Vegetative Best Management Practices, Resource Information, Review of NOI and NOT Requirements and Protocol and roles of local, county, state, and federal agencies in E & SC. A citizenship verification is required for all applicants taking this course.

Private Class


HB NEXT Private Classes allow a customer to pick their own date, time, and location. 80% of HB NEXT’s training is done outside of their training facility at a client’s location or on-site.Select the appropriate class and submit a request for more detailed booking information. There is never a good day for Training, so ask about the Rainy Day reservation list to receive training when business postponed due to weather!


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